Thought Pieces

Research & Supporting Documents

Featured Interviews

“Graham & Doddsville Spring 2024 Newsletter from Columbia Business School”

Capital Allocation

“How Companies Got So Good at M&A” By David Harding, Dale Stafford, and Suzanne Kumar, Bain & Company, April 2024®i_id=229746168&segment_id=162889&te=1&user_id=5fb51ce6a9a00433002200ee3d869461

“Practice makes perfect: What sets programmatic acquirers apart” By McKinsey & Co.

“How lots of small M&A deals add up to big value” By McKinsey & Co.

“Bolt-on takeovers are better than betting the ranch” By: Lex Populi, Financial Times

“Value Creation in (Serial) Acquisitions - The Nordic Evidence” By: Axel Gustavsson & Carl Mollerstrom, Lund University download (

“PROGRAMMATIC ACQUIRERS PRIMER The light book on assets” Serial Acquirer Book (

“Global Outperformers” By: Dede Eyesan

“The Makings of a Multibagger: An Analysis of the Best Performing Stocks over the Past 5 Years” By; Alta Fox

“Serial acquirers: Getting your ducks in a row” study done by: Deloitte and the University of St. Gallen, February 2015

Macro Dynamics

“Abandoning Diversification” By: Verdad Capital (8/29/22),

Nordics Related

“The Nordic Secret” By David Franklin and Anders Bjorkstal, Solarstein Capital:

“A promising symbiosis: small caps and the Nordic market” by DNB Asset Management

“Small is beautiful: uncovering the Nordic 10-baggers” By: Jan Brännback Schroder’s Small is beautiful: uncovering the Nordic ‘10-baggers’ (

“The Performance of programmatic acquirers Evidence from the Nordic market” By: Mattias Gionis, Jesper Stugemo, Uppsala University FULLTEXT01.pdf (

“Sweden’s junior market becomes Europe’s hottest for growth stocks” By: Ian Johnston Financial Times

“The Performance of Acquiring Firms in the Nordic Market - Return Characteristics of Single, Traditional, and Programmatic Acquirers” By: Thomas Lie and Markus Martinsen, Norwegian School of Economics, 2022

“Nordic champions: The value creation formula at the cusp of a new era” By: Kim Baroudy, Jens Riis Andersen, and Gustav Vilsbøll Lauritsen, McKinsey & Co

“How Sweden’s stock market became the envy of Europe” By: Nikou Asgari, Financial Times

“Can This Country Show Europe How to Compete Again?" By Patricia Cohen, New York Times, 8/13/24®i_id=229746168&segment_id=175017&te=1&user_id=5fb51ce6a9a00433002200ee3d869461

Ownership Structure

“Family Matters” By: Kepler Cheuveux Kepler Family Matters - Sept 2023.pdf

“Family-owned companies Recap on performance. Opportunities in Europe” By: UBS Family Owned Companies - Opportunities in Europe - UBS Jan 2023.pdf

“Family-owned businesses show resilience through pandemic””

“What You Can Learn from Family Business” by Nicolas Kachaner, George Stalk, Jr., and Alain Bloch, Harvard Business Review What You Can Learn from Family Business (

“Founder-CEOs and Stock Market Performance in the Nordic Region” By: Ole-Petter Sjovold (Autumn 2020) Norwegian School of Economics